Curriculum Vitae
February 2020
Robert D. Romanyshyn, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, May, 1970, Duquesne University
M.A. Clinical Psychology, August, 1966, Duquesne University
B.S. Psychology, June, 1964, Manhattan College
Clinical Practicums, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, CA, 1991-2015
Private Practice, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Irving, Texas., 1972-1991. Registered in The National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology
Hospital Privileges, Allied Professional Health Staff, Harris Methodist Springwood Psychiatric Hospital Bedford, Texas, 1990-1991
Psychological Consultant to Dr. Larry Wolford, Oral Surgery Dept., John Peter Smith Hospital, Fort Worth,Texas, 1981-1982
Director of Psychological Training and Chief Psychologist, Female Adolescent Unit, Woodville State Hospital, Carnegie, PA, 1970-1972
Counseling Center, University of Pittsburgh, 1968-1970
Psychological Intern, Dixmont State Hospital, PA, and Woodville State Hospital, PA, 1966-1968
Psychological Intern, Counseling Center, Duquesne University, 1964-1966
Pacifica Graduate Institute:
Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology, 2014-Present
Senior Core Faculty, 1991-2014
University of Dallas, Professor, Psychology Department, 1972-1991, Dept. Chair 1980-1984
University of Dallas, Institute of Religious and Pastoral
Studies, Core Faculty, 1988-1991
University of Texas at Dallas, Adjunct Professor, Arts and Humanities, 1985-1991
Victor Frankenstein, The Monster and The Shadows of Technology: The Frankenstein Prophecies (2019) London: Routledge.
Leaning Toward the Poet: Eavesdropping on the Poetry of Everyday Life (2014). Bloomington, IN: i Universe
The Wounded Researcher (2007). New Orleans: Spring journal Books
Re-published by Routledge in 2021
Ways of the Heart: Essays toward an Imaginal Psychology (2002) Pittsburgh: Trivium Publications
Mirror and Metaphor: Images and Stories of Psychological Life (2001) Pittsburgh: Trivium Publications
The Soul in Grief: Love, Death, and Transformation.(1999) Berkeley: North Atlantic Books.
Technology as Symptom & Dream (1989) London, New York: Routledge. Reprinted in 1992,1994, 1999, 2000
Psychological Life: From Science to Metaphor(1982) Austin: University of Texas Press.
European edition published in England, Open University Press, 1982
Japanese Translation published by Seishin Shobo Ltd., Tokyo, 1984
Chapters/Edited Volumes:
Educating the Quixotic Imagination, in ECARTE Conference Papers ‘Imagining Windmills: trust, truth and the unknown in the arts therapies,’ Forthcoming 2021
Sitting on a Park Bench with James Hillman—Again: Prometheus and the Titans, in Dallas Institute publications ( 2018)
Terminal Talk: Reflections on Thinking and Saying in the Digital World, in Depth Psychology and the Digital Age (2016), B. Bright (ed.), Depth Insights.
Sitting on a Bench with James Hillman: Conversations with the Dead (2015), in Conversations with James Hillman—City and Soul, J.H. Stroud (Series Editor), R Sardello (ed.), Dallas: Dallas Institute Publications.
Complex Education: Depth Psychology as a Mode of Ethical Pedagogy, in Jung and Educational Theory (2013), I Semetsky (ed.), New York/London: Wiley-Blackwell
I only ever wanted to be a bus driver, in Marked by Fire: Stories of the Jungian Way (2012), Lowinsky, N.R.Damery, P. (Eds.), Carmel, CA.: Fisher King Press.
Lingering at the Abyss, in The Soul does not Specialize (2012), D.Slattery, J. Selig, S. Aizenstat (eds.). Carpinteria, CA: Mandorla Books.
The Body in Psychotherapy: Contributions of Merleau-Ponty, In Body, Mind and Healing after Jung (2011), R. Jones (ed), London:Routledge.
Thinking in the space between phenomenology and archetypal psychology, In Archetypal Psychologies: Reflections in honor of James Hillman (2008), S. Marlan (ed.), New Orleans: Spring Journal Books.
Yes, but who’s going to tell the chicken, Disturbances in the Field: Essays in honor of David Miller (2006), C. Downing (ed.), New Orleans: Spring Journal Books.
Yes, Indeed! Do Call the World the Vale of Soul Making: Reveries toward an Archetypal Presence, Depth Psychology: Meditations in the Field(2000) D. Slattery and L. Corbett(Eds) Einsiedelan, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag
Alchemy and the Subtle Body of Metaphor, Pathways into the Jungian World (2000) R. Brooke(Ed.) London: Routledge
Psychotherapy as Grief Work, The Body in Psychotherapy (1998) D. Johnson and I. Grand(Eds) Berkeley: North Atlantic Books
For the Moment, That's Enough: Meditations on Therapy and
the Poetry of Language, Phenomenology and Narrative Psychology, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University The Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, 1997
The Despotic Eye and Its Shadow: Media Image in the Age of Literacy, Modernity & The Hegemony of Vision(1993) David Michael Levin (Ed.),Berkeley: University of California Press
The Body as Historical Matter and Cultural Symptom, Giving the Body Its Due: Challenges to a Cartesian Metaphysics (1992) Maxine Sheets-Johnstone (Ed.) New York: State University of New York Press,
Life World as Depth of Soul: Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis and the Science of Psychology, Psychology Reconsidered(1990) James Faulconer and Richard Williams (Eds.) Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press
Technology and Homecoming: Wilderness as Landscape of Soul, Jung in the Context of Southern Africa (1990) Graham S. Saayman (Ed.) Boston: SIGO Press
Psychology and the Attitude of Science, Existential-Phenomenological Perspectives in Psychology (1989) R. Valle and S. Halling (Eds.) New York: Plenum
Psychotherapy as a Creative Process, Psychotherapy and the Creative Patient (1988) E. Mark Stern (Ed.) New York, London: The Haworth Press
Depression and the American Dream: The Struggle with Home, Pathologies of the Modern Self (1987) David Michael Levin (Ed.) New York: New York University Press
The Abandoned Body, Stirrings of Culture (1987) R Sardello and G. Thomas (Eds.) Dallas Institute Press
Mirroring as Metaphor of Psychological Life, Self and Identity: Psychosocial Perspectives (1987) Krysia M. Yardley and Terry M. Honess (Eds.) New York:John Wiley
The Despotic Eye, The Changing Reality of Modern Man: Essays In Honor of J.H. van den Berg (1984) D. Kruger(Ed.) Cape Town, Juta & Co.,
Unconsciousness as a Lateral Depth: Perception and the Two Moments of Reflection, Continental Philosophy in America: Prize Essays (1983) H. Silvermann, J. Sallis, and T. Seebohn (Eds.) Duquesne University Press
Unconsciousness: Reflection and the Primacy of Perception, Phenomenology Dialogues and Bridges: Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy Vol. 8(1982) R. Bruzina and B. Wilshire (Eds.) State University of New York Press
Science and Reality: Metaphors of Experience and Experience as Metaphorical, Metaphors of Consciousness(1981) R.Valle and R. von Eckartsberg (Eds) New York: Plenum Publishing Corporation
Experience Takes Place, Dimensions of Thought(1980) Ralph Moon(Ed.) Berkeley:Dharma Publications
Psychology and the Attitude of Science, Existential Phenomenological Alternatives for Psychology (1978) Ronald S. Valle and Mark King(Eds) New York:Oxford University Press
Dreams and the Anthropological Conditions of Dreaming, On Dreaming: An Encounter with Medard Boss (1977) Charles E. Scott (Ed.)Scholars Press
The Attitude of Science and the Crisis of Psychology, Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology Vol. II (1975) A. Giorgi, et al(Eds) Pittsburgh:Duquesne University Press
Toward A Phenomenology of Attitudes, Duquesne Studies in Phenomelogical Psychology Vol. I (1971) A. Giorgi, et al. (eds.) Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press
Journal Articles
Diagnostic Fictions (2019), The Journal of Humanistic Psychology-Special Issues of Diagnostic Alternatives, 59 (1) 107-120.
Conversations in the Gap between Mind and Soul: Grammatical Reflections ‘In (the) Place(s) of Thinking (2015), The Humanistic Psychologist 43 (1), 109-118.
Reflections: 1914-2014 (2014), The Humanistic Psychologist 42 (4),413.
Phenomenology as a Poetic Realism; Remembering Jan Hendrick van den Berg (2013), The Humanistic Psychologist, 41(3), 309-318.
Technology: Alienation and Homecoming, in Existential Analysis (2012), Journal of The Society for Existential Analysis, 23.2, 200-211.
On Becoming a Psychologist: An Archetypal Love Story (2012),Depth Psychology Alliance E-Zine
The Necessity for the Humanities in Psychology: The Psychologist and His/Her Shadow (2012), The Humanistic Psychologist, 40 (3), 234-245.
Living with the Dead (2012), Mythopoetry Scholar, Vol. 3.
Complex Education: Depth Psychology as a Mode of Ethical Pedagogy. Educational Philosophy and Theory (2012, 44(1), 96-116.
Technology: Alienation and Homecoming (2012), Existential Analysis: Journal of The Society for Existential Analysis, 23.2.
The Necessity for the Humanities in Psychology: Some thoughts on the work of J.H. van den Berg (2012), Journal of Metabletica, No. 4.
Tradition and Transformation: A Tribute to the Life and Work of J.H. van den Berg (2012), Journal of Metabletica, No.5
Prelude to a Memoir/Four Poems (2011), Mythopoetry Scholar
Who is Wolfgang Giegerich? (2010), Spring: A Journal of Archetype and Culture, Vol. 82.
The Wounded Researcher: Making a Place for Unconscious Factors in the Research Process (2010), The Humanistic Psychologist, 38 (4), 275-304.
A Blind Man Cannot Be a Voyeur (2008), San Francisco Medicine: Journal of the San Francisco Medical Society, Vol.81.
The Melting Polar Ice: Revisiting Technology as Symptom and Dream, Technology, Cyberspace, and Psyche (2008), Spring: A Journal of Archetype and Culture, Vol. 80.
“Celebrating the Life and Work of J.H. van den Berg (2008), Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology and the Arts, 10.2.
‘Anyway, why did it have to be the death of the poet?’: The Orphic Roots of Jung’s Psychology(2004), Spring: Orpheus, A Journal of Archetype and Culture.
Seasons of Love and Grief (2000), The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, Vol. 19 (1/2).
The Pleasure of Reverie: On Not Being Useful (2000), The Salt Journal, Vol. 2/No. 1
Psychology is Useless; Or it Should Be (2000), Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts, 3/2.
On Angels and other Anomalies of the Imaginal Life, (2000),Temenos Academy Review, No.3.
For the Moment, That's Enough: Reveries on Therapy and the Poetry of Language (1999), The San Franscisco Jung Institute Library Journal, 18(1).
Egos, Angels and the Colors of Nature (1997), Alexandria-4
Starry Nights, Sexual Love and the Rhythms of the Soul (1996), Sphinx 7: A Journal for Archetypal Psychology and the Arts.
The Orphan and the Angel: In Defense of Melancholy (1995), Psychological Perspectives, No. 32.
The Dream Body in Cyberspace (1995), Magical Blend, No.45.
The Dream Body in Cyberspace (1994), Psychological Perspectives, No.29.
Complex Knowing: Toward a Psychological Hermeneutics (1991), The Humanistic Psychologist, Vol. 19.
“Das Auge der Distanzierten Sehweise und der Leib der Verlangens: Eine Psychologie des Wohens (The Eye of Distant Vision and the Body of Desire: A Psychology of Dwelling) (1987) Poesis, No.3.
“The Abandoned Body (1985), Stirrings of Culture:The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture.
The Graduate Psychology Program at the University of Dallas:1972-1984 (1985) The Humanistic Psychologist, Vol. 13, No. 1.
The Circle of Confusion: From Psychology through Science to Metaphor (1981), Journal of the American Academy of Religion: Thematic Studies, XLVIII/2.
Facts and Stories: On the Metaphorical Character of Psychological Life (1981), ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Change, 4, 1.
Looking at the Light: Reflections of the Mutable Body (1980) Dragonflies: Studies in Imaginal Psychology, Vol. 2, No. 1.
Psychological Language and the Voice of Things: Part II (1979), Dragonflies: Studies in Imaginal Psychology, Vol. 2.
Psychological Language and the Voice of Things: Part I (1978), Dragonflies: Studies in Imaginal Psychology, Vol. 1, No. 1.
Dreams and the Anthropological Conditions of Dreaming (1977),Soundings, LX,3
Phenomenology and the Reading of Behavior (1977), Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, VIII, I.
Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis: Contribution of Merleau-Ponty (1977),Psychoanalytic Review, 64, 2.
Phenomenological Psychology (1976), Philosophical Psychologist, Vol. 9, 4.
Metaphors and Human Behavior (1975), Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 5, 2.
Copernicus and the Beginnings of Modern Science (1975) Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 3, 1.
Psychotherapy and the Human Context (1975), The Human Context, VII, 2.
Psychotherapy: A Dialogue of Faith & Power (1974), The Human Context, VI, 1.
Empiricism and Empirical Psychology(1972), American Psychologist, 27, 1.
Method and Meaning in Psychology: The Method Had Been the Message (1971), Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 2, 1.
Television/DVDs/internet Lectures
For a complete list of these activities from 2014-2019 go to
Robert Events History Tab
See also Jung Platform
Antarctica: Inner Journeys in the Outer World/
In Conversation with Robert Romanyshyn
“Antarctica: Inner Journeys in the Outer World, DVD with music and commentary, Sept. 2010.
"Life and Times of Angel Encounters," TNN, April 17, 2000, Greystone Communications, Los Angeles
“Art Behind Bars,” PBS, 1992.
“Depression and the American Dream,” ICTN, March, 1988.
“Galileo’s Dream.” A television pilot script on the history of science written and produced December, 1984. Televised ICTN, October, 1985.
“A Conversation with Astronaut Alan Bean.” Dallas Cable Television Interview, February, 18, 1984.
Interviews: Radio/Web Sites/Podcasts
For recent Interviews and Podcasts go to
Robert Publications and Multimedia Tab/Interviews
The Frankenstein Prophecies. Aug. 2015. Interview on Depth psychology Alliance (Available on my website: Robert, Home Page
Reflections on the Wounded Researcher, Feb 23, 2010, Radio Interview Inside-Out.
"The Sense of Time in Digital Space," Canadian Broadcasting Corp., Interviewed by Heather Menzies, June, 2000
"The Healing Power of Grief," Open Mind Radio Talk Show hosted by James Mitchell, Grand Rapids Michigan, February 17, 2000
"Robert Romanyshyn On 'Technology as Symptom and Dream,'" A Conversation with Dolores Brien, The C. G. Web Site.
Prelude to a Memoir/Four Poems:
“A Sense of Place”
“Stray Lines”
Swiss Bank Account”
“Being with a Poet”
Mythopoetry Scholar, vol.2, Jan 2011/
“September 11, 2001”, in Psychological Perspectives, Fall, 2002.
Invited Keynotes, Presentations to Universities and Professional Societies in the USA, Europe, New Zealand, Australia and Africa. Below is a sampling:
International Association of Jungian Studies, Duquesne University, April 2-5, 2019, Plenary Presentation:
Recovering the Poetic Realism of the World in the Gap Between Phenomenology and Depth Psychology A Foundation for a Cultural-Historical Therapy,With Ethical and Political Implications
European Consortium of Arts Therapies Education Conference: Imagining Windmills: Trust, Truth and the Unknown in the Arts Therapies, Alcala de Henares, Spain Sept 11-14,2019, Keynote Address: ‘Educating the Quixotic Imagination’
Re-Vision Institute, London, July 6, 2019, ‘The Frankenstein Prophecies: Meditations on the Margins of Mind.’
Wales Arts and Therapy Group, June 29, 2019, ‘The Necessity of Dreams: Restoring the Sacred and Recovering the Wonders of Nature.’
The International Human Science Research Conference, Montreal, June 25-30, 2012, “The Necessity for the Humanities in Psychology.’
Jung Center, Los Angeles, “ I only ever wanted to be a bus driver: Reflections on the Jungian Way,” April 15, 2012
Jung Group of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 8-9, 2011 “Antarctica: Inner Journeys in the Outer World.”
American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Aug. 5, 2011, “The Necessity of the Humanities in a Psychological Education.”
American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA., Aug. 9, 2010, “The Wounded Researcher: Making a Place for the Unconscious in the Research Process.”
Institute for Cultural Change, Ojai, CA., May, 2010, “From Pole to Pole: Inner Journeys in the Outer World.”
Inter-regional Society of Jungian Analysts, Boulder CO, April21-25, 2010, ‘The Body in Psychotherapy: Merleau-Ponty’s Flesh and Jung’s Subtle Body.’
Cleveland Jung Society, Sept 25-26, 2009
Lecture: The Melting Polar Ice: An Archetypal Perspective on Climate Change
Workshop: The Wounded Researcher: Research with Soul in Mind.
Pacifica Graduate Institute, June 2009, Master Class, “Left by the Side of the Road: Finding your Way Back Home.”
Cardiff University, April 29,2009, “The Place of the Body in Therapy and Research.”
British Association of Psychotherapists/The Center for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, London April 24, 2009, “The Metaphor of Alchemy and the Alchemy of Metaphor: Working in the Space between Presence and Absence.”
Regents College, London, April 23, 2009, “The Place of the Body in Research and Psychotherapy.”
Greenwich University, Greenwich, England, April17, 2009, “The Frankenstein prophecy: 19th c. Literary Expressions of Ice in the Context of Global Warming.”
Bournemouth University, Center for Qualitative Research, April 14-15, 2009, Master Class, “Research as Vocation: Building Bridges between Phenomenology and Depth Psychology.”
Friends of Jung, Santa Barbara, Jan.14, 2009, “The Melting Polar Ice: A Jungian-Archetypal perspective on Global Warming. “
Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, Virginia Beach, VA., Oct.15-18, 2008, “Reflections on Epistemological Violence.”
New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy, Feb 2006
Keynote Address: Therapy and the Theater of the Soul
C.G. Jung Society of Orange, CA. Jan. 2004
Lecture: “Anyway why did it have to be the death of the poet?”
Workshop: “The Healing Power of Poetry.”
C.G. Jung Society of Portland, Oregon
Lecture: “Grief as an opening to the Divine”
Workshop: “The Healing Power of Poetry”
C.G. Jung Society of Austin, Tx. Sept.2000
Lecture: Technology: From Inner Space to Cyberspace
Workshop: Telling Tales of Grief and Love
C.G. Jung Society of Charlotte, N.C. Sept. 2000
Lecture: The Tears of God: Grief and the Epiphany of the Divine
Workshop: Telling Tales of Grief and Love
C.G. Jung Society of San Diego, Ca. Oct. 2000
Lecture: The Tears of God: Grief and the Epiphany of the Divine.
C.G. Jung Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Nov. 2000
Lecture: The Tears of God: Grief and the Epiphany of the Divine
Seminar: The Soul of Art/The Arts of Soul Making
C.G. Jung Society of North Texas. March, 2000
Lecture: The Healing Power of Grief"
Workshop: "Telling Tales of Grief and Love"
University of Dallas, March, 2000
Lecture: "The Psychologist as Failed Poet"
C.G. Jung Society of Western MI./ Fountain Street Church, Feb. 2000
Lecture: 'The Tears of God: Grief and the Epiphany of the Divinity
Workshop: "Telling Tales of Grief and Love"
Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, Jan., 2000
Lecture: "Seasons of Love and Grief"
Pacifica Graduate Institute, Conference "Archetypal Activism," June,1999
Lecture:"Yes, Indeed! Do Call the World the Vale Soul Making: Reveries toward an Archetypal Presence"
Video Portion: The War in Kosovo
Pacifica Graduate Institute, Conference "Mythic Imagination," April, 1999
Lecture: "Technology and the Ancient Voices of the Stars: Earth, Isn't this what You Want?"
C.G. Jung Institute, Pittsburgh, March, 1999
Lecture: "Alchemy and the Subtle Body of Metaphor"
Seminar: "The Orphan Soul and the Experience of the Divine"
Philosophical Research Society of Los Angeles, Dec.,1998
Seminar: "Physics and Depth Psychology in the 21st Century"
The C.G. Jung Society, Cleveland, Ohio, Dec., 1997
Lecture/Workshop: "The Alchemy of Love and its Shadows," with Dr. Veronica Goodchild
Simon Silverman Center Annual Symposium Duquesne University, May, 1997
Key Note Speaker: " 'For the Moment, That's Enough!' Meditations on Therapy and the Poetry of Language."
International Human Science Research Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, August, 1995
Keynote Address: "The Alchemy of Consciousness"
Montana State College, March, 1994
Lecture: "The Orphan and the Angel: In Defense of Melancholy"
Colorado College Annual Symposium on Religion and Spirituality, Jan., 1994
Lecture:"Homelessness and Homecoming: Spirit Matters in a Technological Age"
Concordia College, Montreal, Oct., 1993
Lecture: "Making the Art of Dream into the Body of Culture."
Texas Christian University, School of Education, Ft, Worth, Tx., Nov., 1991
Lecture: “The Ethical Dilemma in a Technological Society,”
American Psychological Association, Aug., 1991
Lecture: “The Women of Freud and Jung: A Post Modern View of Depth Psychology”
University of Natal, Psychology Department, Durban, South Africa, July, 1990
Lecture: "Wilderness and Technology"
Human Sciences Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa, Aug., 1990
Lecture: "Approaches to Research in the Human Sciences"
University of Cape Town, Psychology Department, South Africa, Aug., 1990
Lecture: "Technology as Homecoming"
Witswatersrand University Psychology Department Johannesburg, South Africa, Aug., 1990
Lecture: "Psychotherapy: A Phenomenological Approach"
Pretoria University, Psychology Dept., Pretoria, South Africa, Aug., 1990
Lecture: " Psychotherapy and Culture"
Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, Conference on Cultural Psychology, Nov., 1989
Lecture: "Depression and the American Dream.”
University of Oregon, Nov.,1989
Lecture: “A Cultural History of The Abandoned Body and Its Shadows.”
Penn State University, Sociology Department, Nov., 1989
Lecture: “Linear Perspective Visions and the Rise of Social Science: On the Cultural History of Looking at People as Objects”
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tx., Art Department, April, 1989 Lecture: “Linear Perspective Vision: From Artistic Invention to Cultural Habit of Mind.”
Duquesne University, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Psychology Program, Feb., 1989
Keynote Lecture: “Phenomenology as a Therapeutics of Culture.”
University of Dallas, Sept., 1987
King-Haggar Awards Address: "Education as Vocation"
The Waldorf Schools Education Conference, Wilton, New Hampshire, March, 1987
Lecture: “Technology and The Space of Linear Perspective Vision"
Human Sciences Research Council, Institute for Research on the Arts and Languages, Pretoria, South Africa, Aug.1985
Lecture: "On the Metaphorical Character of Psychological Life"
Lectures on psychotherapy, the aesthetic values of the soul, and the relations between psychology and poetry. These lectures were presented at the following universities in South Africa, July-August, 1985:
University of Witswatersrand
Medical University of Southern Africa
Pretoria University, Pretoria
University of Natal, Durban
Fort Hare University
British Society for Humanistic Psychology, London, July, 1985
Lecture: "The Language of Psychology"
Open University, England, July, 1985
Lecture: "Mirrors of the Soul"
International Symposium on “The History of the Human Body,” Gottingen, Germany, June, 1985
Seminar: "Linear Perspective and the Invention of the Anatomical Body"
Various lectures on psychological language and the arts during a speaking tour for my first book, Psychological Life: From Science to Metaphor, July-August, 1984:
Edinburgh University, Scotland.
Sheffield University, Sheffield, England.
University of Cardiff, Wales.
Group Analytic Society, London
Tavistock Clinic, London.
New York Psychoanalytic Society, Oct., 1981
Lecture: "Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis: Re-Thinking the Unconscious"
Council of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists, Nov., 1981
Case Seminar: A Phenomenological View
Summer Institute on Archetypal Psychology, Notre Dame University, June, 1978
Lecture: " Metaphor and the Language of the Soul"
Editorial Board: The Journal of Humanistic Psychologists
Editorial Board: Spring: A journal of Archetype and Culture
Editorial Board: International Journal of Jungian Studies.
Editorial Board: Metaphor & Symbolic Activity: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Empirical Research
Member, International Board of Advisors of the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology
Publications Committee, Philosophical Psychology, 1979-1984
Consulting Editor, Dragonflies: Studies in Imaginal Psychology
Editor, Philosophical Psychology, Newsletter, Division 24, APA, 1976-1979
Consulting Editor, Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 1975-1980
Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts 2002--present
American Psychological Association, Divisions of History, Philosophy, Art, Clinical, 1972-1991
Fellow, Dallas Institute for Humanities and Culture, 1982-Present